Shotgun coaching coaching a student

Shotgun coach award

The BASC shotgun coach award will enable you to offer a service of practical shooting advice and tuition.

We realise there is a demand for a formal training scheme for shotgun shooting coaches, whether it is to appear as a BASC coach at shows and events or to coach purely for their own benefit.

To ensure that standards of good practice are maintained, BASC shotgun coaches are required to re-accredit every three years by assessment if they want to continue as accredited BASC coaches. In addition, accredited coaches will be able to access continuous professional development provided by BASC.

The three-day workshop will consist of an assessment of the mentoring required, based on your ability and experience. The days will consist of intensive training as a group, as well as one-to-one training with the mentors from the training team.

During the workshop, you will work with different mentors who will provide you with more rounded training and a greater understanding of the coaching role. You will also be assigned a mentor for your individual mentoring sessions.

Following the successful completion of the course, you will be required to arrange your mentoring with your assigned mentor at a mutually agreed time and place. The six hours of mentoring are included in the price of the course.

You will then undergo live assessments with an accredited BASC shotgun assessor who will observe your coaching abilities.

The award requires that you pass three assessments (conditions apply). Any completed assessments are valid for two years.

Shotgun coaching award courses

View the latest courses


The total cost of the award is £725

Course requirements

As a pre-requisite to registering for the BASC shotgun coach award, potential candidates must hold a current BASC Safe Shot award, have attended a BASC shotgun coach foundation day, and hold a valid BASC membership.

You must also be 18 years of age or over and hold a current shotgun certificate.

There may be some pre-course reading requirements. This, along with other relevant materials, will be given to you well in advance.

You will be expected to cover some subjects that are not covered at the live events and you may be required to prove your knowledge in theory, for example, by planning a lesson. If you have any supporting documentation such as lesson plans or proofs of training you have received this would be useful for your portfolio.

Should there be insufficient bookings, BASC reserves the right to cancel the course. In the interests of fairness, BASC will aim to provide candidates with notification of cancellation as soon as possible prior to the advertised start date.

We strongly recommend that fees for any accommodation you book are refundable as BASC will not be responsible for any losses incurred by candidates.

If for any reason you cancel your place on the course then the following scale of charges may apply:




Reallocation to another course
(only available eight weeks or more before the course start date)



Second reallocation to another course
(only available eight weeks or more before the course start date AND only in exceptional circumstances)



Cancellation more than eight weeks before the course start date

course cost

course cost

Cancellation less than eight weeks but more than four weeks before the course start date

course cost

course cost

Cancellation less than four weeks before the course start date

course cost

course cost

Could I just take this opportunity to thank you, Rob & Russ for what was an absolutely superb course. Both Richard and I thoroughly enjoyed the three days. We both feel we came away having gained a significant insight into the new skills we are both keen to attain. The course was extremely well delivered and, whilst we both found it challenging at times, Rob & Russ are, without doubt, an absolute credit to BASC. Their patience and persistence were exemplary.

Additional information

The idea of student-centred learning is for you to manage your own development with our assistance. It is possible to take time out at any moment throughout the process, providing it is agreed with BASC. We recommend that you plan on at least a minimum of one year from commencing to gaining the award depending on your commitment.

It is important that you gain as much coaching experience prior to and during the process to give you the skills and knowledge to progress.  It is also important to note that this award is demanding in respect of your time and effort to achieve the standard.

It may be possible to speed up the process – in some extreme circumstances, two or three assessments may be carried out at one live event. Much will depend on the individual student and their availability to commit to the process.
